
Showing appreciation no matter what.

It’s hard to be grateful and show appreciation when you are having a tough time.

Yet despite what’s happening to you on the outside by searching for something to appreciate about your situation actually starts to change your perception of the situation and actually changes the situation you experience.

Let’s look at why, because once you have an understanding you can go out and make changes to the way you view aspects of your life.

When we are going through a tough time we don’t naturally look for what’s good in that situation we often are totally biased to see only the bad.

Next time you are in a tough spot in your life have a go at doing this.

Make a list of what is bad about the situation and then once you have done that cross out the things that you can do nothing about, remember you can not control the uncontrollable, it’s impossible. Next thing is to take the rest of the list what is left and try to find some kind of appreciation that you can focus on.

In every situation there will be a positive somewhere, sometimes it’s not visible because it’s hidden behind the negatives.

Listen to your heart.

To open you self up to finding the positives try to focus a few minutes on your breathing and in particular imagine your breathing is flowing straight from your heart and at the same time try to cultivate a feeling of appreciation.

Heart focused breathing often allows us to harness our hearts innate intelligence and allows us to see things from a different point of view.

Give it a try , you may be surprised at how a seemingly desperate situation suddenly appears to have more positives than we at first envisioned.

Have a good day
